Tecta America New England
Who or what inspires you? I’m inspired by people who look at life with an optimistic perspective, who make the most of unfortunate situations, and those who reflect positivity from the people around them. I could list several people who inspire me, but it is not any one person who inspires me. Someone’s personality traits, mannerisms, and knowledge of self-worth inspire me to become a better person.
What advice can you offer someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Make sure the job you choose is one you can learn to appreciate. You don’t have to love your job right off the bat, but it is important to learn to love your job. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations that you are not familiar with, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and get over your fear of heights.
What led you to your current profession? My father is in the commercial roofing business and has been for the majority of his adult life, overseeing branches in the Northeast. Becoming a project manager gave me the platform in the construction industry that enables me to take the information I learn and apply it to my everyday life.
If your life were made into a movie, what actor would portray you? If my life were a movie, it would be School of Rock. I wish I could say I would be Jack Black in this situation, but unfortunately I am not. As an actor, I would play the character Zack. Each of the students are learning not only how to rock but about themselves as well. By overcoming personal struggles and family issues you can see how the students grow as individuals throughout the film.