Hinckley Allen
Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game-changer” in the advancement of your career? It’s hard to pick just one, since I learn and grow from every transaction. Early in my career, I was part of the team representing the developers of a complex, multi-phase redevelopment of a former power station into a mixed-use office, education, and residential development. Our deal team advised the client on all aspects of the acquisition, permitting, and leasing. Others had previously attempted to redevelop this property, so it was satisfying to help our client finally realize their vision. This was a particularly memorable transaction because it lit a fire in my belly as I began my career.
If your life were made into a movie, what actor would you want to portray you? Awkwafina. I’m a big fan of hers and admire her versatility and authenticity. And she’s a trailblazer—the first Asian-American actress to win a Golden Globe!
Who or what inspires you? I’m constantly inspired by the small business owners and independent restaurateurs in my community. Providence has a vibrant dining scene, and many restaurant owners are demonstrating incredible resourcefulness and compassion as they find ways to care for their staff and continue providing excellent service in the midst of a pandemic—whether it’s quickly adapting their sourcing and menus, hosting pop-ups to showcase other chefs, switching from sit-in fine dining to a takeout and delivery model, or providing food assistance to those in need. I’m inspired by that ethos of being a problem-solver, and their thoughtful community leadership.
What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Try to get hands-on experience in any way you can, since you learn the most by doing. And don’t write off an experience just because it doesn’t completely align with where you think you want to be in your career. The essence of being a lawyer is to help your clients navigate difficult situations, and you can build the skills to enable you to do that in any area of practice. You will take those skills with you to the next job, and to the next project.