The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is hoping all of our friends and customers are continuing to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appraisers, just like all of our customers, clients and friends in the real estate and mortgage professions have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and we are doing all we can to continue to provide appraisal services during this unprecedented time.
In the past month, the chapter has been very busy on the education front. On-line education is now in full swing and we have already offered several classes and seminars on-line using Zoom Meetings. We will be holding our Spring Chapter meeting via Zoom on June 18th. All members are encouraged to attend. We will be offering the Business and Ethic course on June 23rd via Zoom and the USPAP Update on June 25th. This USPAP class will be held in-person at the Wyndham Hotel in Warwick, RI. Please visit our website to register for these classes at www. http://massri-appraisalinstitute.org/.
The RI Branch Chapter meeting will take place on June 24th via Zoom. All RI members are encourage to attend.
On May 11th, the chapter held its second free webinar; Residential Real Estate — An Update on the Impact of COVID-19. Moderator Deborah Carlson, vice president /appraisal at Needham Bank was joined by Mark Hickey, director of market analytics, CoStar, Joanne Shelton, principal/director at Bonz and Company, Inc., Bill Dermody, chairman of the board for the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, Theresa Hatton, CEO, Massachusetts Association of Realtors and Tom Acitelli, author, reporter, and blogger discussed the Boston Market in the time COVID-19. A special Thank you to Deb Carlson for putting this webinar together.
We are proud to announce our proposed slate of officers for 2021. The following slate has been proposed:
• President: John Drew, MAI
• Vice President: Bradford Hevenor, MAI
• Treasurer: Robert Maloney, MAI
•Secretary: Zach Bowyer, MAI
Directors for a three-year term: (1/1/21 – 12/31/23)
Susan Kelly, SRA and Nicole McDonnell, MAI.
Director (to complete the term of Zach Bowyer, MAI until 12/31/2022) Deborah Carlson
Regional Representatives - two years (1/1/21 – 12.31/22) Karen Ryan, SRA and Robert Maloney, MAI
Regional Representative Alternates (1/1/21 – 12/31/21) Bud Clarke, MAI, Joseph Comperchio, MAI, SRA, Joseph Crescio, MAI, Corey Gustafson, MAI, Sandra Heath, MAI, Susan Kelly, SRA
The Chapter is also proud to announce we have granted a Hewitt Fund Scholarship to a recent college graduate! The chapter is making a dedicated effort to promote the appraisal profession by offering one scholarship per year to a recent college graduate for introductory appraisal classes offered by the local Chapter. Congratulations to Keven Tyburski of Hingham, Mass. for receiving this year’s scholarship. Kevin will be a 2020 graduate of Baylor University with a degree in Finance and has already spent the past several years as an appraisal intern for several companies. Congratulations, Kevin!
The chapter continues to offer many scholarships to current and new appraisers for their continuing education in the appraisal practice. These scholarships are available to all members and potential appraisers. Please visit our website for the complete list of scholarships offered.
We would like to thank our 2020 sponsors! A very special THANK YOU to our Platinum Sponsors Boston Appraisal Company, CB Richard Ellis/New England and Newmark Knight Frank; our Gold Sponsor JLL Valuation Advisory and Compstak; and our Silver Sponsor Cushman & Wakefield.
For sponsorship opportunities please reach out to our office.
Our chapter is made of the very best commercial and residential appraisers providing real estate solutions for clients throughout New England and beyond. Our chapter designated professionals specialize in all aspects of real estate appraisal and consulting and are ready to provide these services to all of our clients, current and future. A complete list of our members and their appraisal concentrations can also be found on our website, http://massri-appraisalinstitute.org/.
George Demopulos, MRICS, RA, SRA, AI-RRS is the 2020 president of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and president and chief valuations officer at Lincoln Appraisal & Settlement Services (LASS) and Lincoln Abstract & Settlement Services, Providence, RI.