What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? I have enjoyed the flexibility of integrating my personal life with my professional life while working from home. If I find a free hour in my day where I can take an online fitness class or go for a run, I am able to reset my focus and be more productive when I’m working. I also have enjoyed spending more time with my partner and new daughter and getting to play a more hands-on role in her first year of life.
What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? When I was in 3rd grade, I came home with a C on my report card in handwriting. My father asked me why I had all A’s in everything else and I told him I didn’t like handwriting. He told me giving my best isn’t optional and if I’m going to take something on, no matter what it is, I should give it my all. That’s stayed with me for 25 years. It’s helped me prioritize what tasks I accept and what I politely decline. If I can’t give it my all, it’s not fair to take it on.
What honor, achievement or recognition means the most to you and why? The Bruce C. Bolling Building received the Harleston Parker Medal, informally known as an award for Boston’s Most Beautiful Building, in 2016. The honor of winning that award is about more than having designed a beautiful building; this honor redefines what beauty can mean in the eyes of the CRE industry. This project was an investment by the city of Boston in a neighborhood where it was long overdue. Recognizing this building for its beauty acknowledges the Roxbury community’s importance and celebrates the many community voices, which were deeply influential throughout the design process.
What books, blogs, podcasts, resources or influencers would you recommend to women? Michelle Obama’s podcast has been a joy to listen to lately. She talks a lot about self-care and mental health which is something that has always been incredibly important but has been put in the spotlight this year. No matter where your political position leans, the conversations at their core apply to many. I’ve also turned to Instagram Live for fitness classes and workouts, which has been a game-changer for my overall health and wellness. @mslali1 and @footloosefitness are my go to’s for workouts, but there are so many out there for all levels of fitness.