Margulies Perruzzi
What honor, achievement or recognition means the most to you and why? I am most proud of our recent project at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center Endoscopy Suite in Burlington, Mass. We relocated and expanded the department to a new 13,500 s/f unit within the hospital that was designed to be welcoming and relaxing, to lower patient anxiety and stress. Calming colors and residential looking finishes were used to evoke a more hospitality like experience than clinical. The unit also includes one of the largest installations of state-of-the-art scope washing technology in North America! Most excitingly, it was just featured on the cover of EndoPro Magazine.
How have you been networking during the lockdown? I have been golfing more than ever this season, especially with women within the CRE industry. We have organized multiple mini golf outings and I participated in two golf outings with Wellness for Women in RE (WWIRE) so far, and my team won one of the scrambles! I took up golf just last year but this year I have been golfing two to three days a week with my professional network as well as with friends and family. It’s a great way to get out of the house, exercise, and network – all while social distancing!
What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? I have enjoyed the short commute to my living room and the flexibility to create a better work/life balance. And, as a bonus, I get to hang out with my dog all day. I do miss the in-person interactions as well as the casual conversations, but it’s much easier to focus when it’s just you and your laptop. We have a virtual “snack” (happy hour) as a company every week to ensure we maintain the culture we had while in the office, and sometimes there is a fun theme or game.