Glynn Electric
What was the most difficult part of working during the pandemic of 2020? Early on, we faced the same challenges that most businesses encountered in that we were dealing with complete uncertainty. Being deemed an essential business, we faced the added challenges of making sure our people were not only staying safe and keeping others safe, but that they actually felt safe themselves and ready to go out and perform critical work.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project,
deal, or transaction in 2020? One of our most active markets is healthcare electrical construction. Glynn was honored to be awarded several significant projects including a multi-million dollar emergency department expansion at Tobey Hospital. We also expanded geographically with a new office opened in New Hampshire in 2020 and the full ramp-up of our Rhode Island office which opened in 2019.
What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? I may be a bit unusual in that I didn’t actually work from home during the height of the pandemic. I was in the office virtually every day as State mandates allowed for essential businesses. We did encourage as many of our staff as possible to work remotely which kept office occupancy to a minimum. I suppose I did enjoy the sense of peace and quiet and having shorter lines at the coffee machine in the breakroom.
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2021? We are very optimistic about 2021. While we saw an understandable slow-down in early 2020 due to the pandemic, we have recovered nicely and are well positioned for success heading into the New Year.