Vice President of Operations
Westmass Area Development Corp.
What led you to your current profession? My professional path through landscape architecture, historic preservation and economic development has allowed me to evolve my career into the field of real estate development. The experience and skill set that I’ve acquired has provided me the opportunity to now enjoy the multiple projects and responsibilities associated with brownfield redevelopment, real estate development, economic and community development.
In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you the most proud of? This year, Westmass was awarded a $460,000 2021 EPA Brownfield Cleanup grant for one of our properties, The Ludlow Mills, to continue the process of remediation in historic mill buildings. I’m proud of the fact that the Westmass team worked together to successfully secure these funds and continue our redevelopment activities to advance the rejuvenation of this remarkable historic mill complex.
What is one characteristic that you believe every woman in commercial real estate should possess? A sense of humor. Throughout my life and career, it has been helpful for me to always try to look at things with humor. Whether at a particular situation and at myself, I’ve found that being able to find a way to laugh can de-escalate a conflict or solve a problem with grace and confidence. Sharing a laugh with a colleague or client also helps create a positive and cheerful atmosphere to accomplish great work in.