Appraisal Institute
The Distinguished Service Award is awarded by the board of directors on a periodic basis to individuals who have provided the chapter with exceptional leadership and/or service. This summer the NH/VT Chapter board of directors awarded Joseph Fremeau, MAI, SRA, this award. Fremeau served the chapter for several years on the board of directors and he served as the chapter president in 1988 and 1989.

Fremeau operated Fremeau Appraisal in Manchester, N.H. for several decades. Fremeau has been instrumental in training and mentoring numerous commercial appraisers over the years and his legacy will live on. Congratulations to Joe for setting the bar high for commercial appraisers and service to the chapter! The other individuals that have been awarded the Distinguished Service Award over the years are Chick Thompson, Andrew Lemay, John Crafts, Paula Clemente, Duane Cowall and Vern Gardner.
On a beautiful summer night on July 22, the New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter of the Appraisal Institute held a social function at a New Hampshire Fisher Cats’ baseball game at the Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester, N.H. This fully sponsored outing was made possible by several sponsors including Sargeant Appraisal Service (major sponsor), Bergeron Commercial Appraisal, Chet Rogers, MAI, Cowall Appraisal & Consulting, Goodwin, Prophet & Frank, Inc., RMA Risk Management Associates, Stone Brook Appraisals, LLC and White Appraisal. Three skyboxes, an adjacent party patio area and seating for everyone were reserved. There was a total of 85 people in attendance that included appraisers, assessors, bank review appraisers, real estate brokers, developers, property managers, builders, family members and invited guests. A free cookout was included along with soft drinks and adult beverages were close by. The game ended with a Fisher Cats’ walk-off and fireworks. A great time was had by all. We are hoping to hold a similar social outing at a Fisher Cats’ game in 2022, so stay tuned.
The New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is announcing the executive board positions for 2022. Ronald Lavallee, SRA of Stone Brook Appraisals, LLC returns as the president; Sean Sargeant, MAI, SRA and owner of Sargeant Appraisal Service returns as the vice president; Mark McCann, MAI of MJM Valuation Group is the secretary and Amy McClellan, SRA, MAI of Milne-Allen Appraisal Company is the treasurer/finance chair. Robert Concannon, MAI is the past president. The remainder of the board of directors includes: Wesley Reeks, MAI, RM of Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants; Katrina Hill, SRA of R.B. Hill Company; Duane Cowall, MAI of Cowall Appraisal & Consulting; Tom Prophet, SRA of Goodwin, Prophet & Frank, Inc.; Brian White, MAI, SRA of White Appraisal; David Cornell, MAI, CAE of Cornell Consultants, LLC and Steve Bergeron, MAI of Bergeron Commercial Appraisal. Leitha Reilly will be returning as the executive director of the chapter.
In 2021, the New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter of the Appraisal Institute offered the 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course in both Burlington, VT and in Concord, NH with Steven Elliott, SRA as the instructor. We also offered several two-hour seminars via Zoom. The seminars included: “Forestland Valuation – Issues to Consider in Valuing Woodland Properties,” Donald MacKay, MAI, instructor; “Defining the Appraisal Problem – Sleuthing for the Approaches to Value,” Marsha Campaniello, instructor; “2021-2022 New Hampshire Market Insights,” Kristie Russell of Colliers International, instructor; “Residential Building Systems – Trends and Opportunities in Equipment and Building,” Steve Spatz, instructor.
In 2022, the chapter will be offering “Conservation Easement Appraisals” on January 18 with Roger Larochelle, instructor and on May 17 we will offer “Housing Market Data Sources” with several presenters from the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority. An additional Zoom seminar will be offered in March and two 7-hour classes are in the planning stages for in-person offerings in both Concord, NH and Rutland, VT in April. Everyone is welcome to attend our Appraisal Institute class offerings or Zoom seminars.
We enjoyed an eventful 2021 and we are looking forward to a busy new year.
Brian White, MAI, SRA, is a 2021 board member of the NH-VT Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and operates White Appraisal, Dover, NH.