Within your firm, who has helped you succeed within the industry? How have they helped you? My supervisor and our CFO at Connolly Brothers, Michael Cullen, always encourages questions and I have been learning a lot from him. At Connolly, people take time to let you know how you are doing, and when you hear, “You did a good job,” I enjoy that and it motivates me to do even better. I have worked in many fields prior to construction and what really helps at Connolly is the opportunity to put ideas in place without hitting that wall that stops you from making improvements, as well as the sense of teamwork among all of us.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? My advice would be to always look ahead, set goals, and never give up no matter how hard the road is. Remember that dedication and effort will always bear fruit. Women need to be in construction, and we need to change our minds as to who we view as doing different jobs. The more diverse voices you have discussing when and how to do things, the better it is for the organization.