Asset Management Associate
The Procopio Companies
What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry?
My biggest advice is to be confident in yourself and stay confident in yourself. It’s important to be open minded and respectful of others’ opinions. Things are consistently changing so I’ve learned that you always have to be willing to think differently while speaking your mind and being creative. I’ve had amazing experiences throughout my journey and there’s been a positive outcome almost every time because of this advice. If you don’t know something, ask questions. You will be amazed at how much you will learn in this industry through just speaking up.
What has been your biggest challenge and how have you faced it?
My biggest challenge has been not taking full advantage of all the opportunities I’ve had in the past. Make sure to take notes on everything and pick the brains of your peers and leadership. I now have to find the information that was once at my fingertips and learn from scratch because I didn’t keep a running tab of all things I’ve learned over the years. Now, I keep running lists of everything from tips and tricks to best practices and what I’ve been learning in my new asset management role.