Project Manager
Dacon Corporation
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? Every project is exciting and challenging in its own way. However, the most notable project I helped on last year was the Edwards Vacuum facility. It was 135,000 s/f headquarters for semiconductor research and development. The facility recently won first place at the DBIA New England awards for vertical construction. We overcame many challenges including materials delays, workforce shortage, and a record-breaking wet winter. From walking on a complete swamp of mud, to seeing the completed project now, it makes me proud to be part of it and I value the power of teamwork and hard work more each day in this industry.
What made you interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry? The AEC industry envelops you physically and emotionally. There is excitement in creating and being innovative, while also uniting people to achieve the same goal. Every day, I am developing people and being developed myself. I was drawn to the AEC industry by my love for architecture, the art of changing the “old” into the “new,” and the various ways to build and re-build buildings.
Believe me, there is a new challenge every single day and you will never get bored in the construction field.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? My advice to you is: 1) Be knowledgeable in your field. 2) Get confidence in your ability. 3) Find a mentor. 4) Be fast, focused, and/organized. Know your value and never be afraid to say what you want. There is no limit to your growth in the construction field.