Vice President of Marketing
What is one project or achievement in your career that you are most proud of, and how did it impact your organization or community? Five years ago, my colleagues and I embarked on a brand refresh. It was a comprehensive and invaluable process that involved identifying and considering all the qualities that distinguish our firm and then building consensus on who we are and what we stand for. The result was branding that is thoroughly authentic to Columbia. This initiative clarified our internal and external communications, including how we speak, write, and visually present our firm. Now, clients and partners can more easily understand and articulate what we stand for, which helps us build more impactful partnerships.
Who or what has inspired you most in your career, and what advice would you share with the next generation of women entering the A/E/C industry? My mother is a tremendous role model. She worked a demanding job, raised four children, and dedicated significant time to philanthropic endeavors. As busy and overwhelmed as she must have been at times, she always showed up to each of those “jobs” as if she were dedicating her whole self to the task. Steady and reliable -- I always strive to show up as she did. Regarding advice, I recommend finding career opportunities with people and companies who let you be yourself and welcome your thoughts and ideas. And if you feel stuck where you are, dedicate your energy to finding a better fit for you.
What’s your favorite way to recharge or get inspired outside of work? I love to walk – with family, friends, my dog, or alone – preferably in the sunshine.