2017 Annual Review: Frank Flynn of Flynn Law Group

December 29, 2017 - Front Section

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2017? In 2017 there are numerous moments that stand out at Flynn Law Group, over this past year we continued to help hundreds of residential, commercial and condominium properties with challenging legal situations. We have evicted drug dealers at numerous properties using the Massachusetts fast track eviction process. The most noteworthy case eviction involved a drug dealer that had over 18,000 bags of heroine at the property whom we evicted in record time according to fast track laws in Massachusetts. We thoroughly enjoyed working with the many of clients we assisted in 2017.

What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2017? Looking back at the year, the most notable deal involved one of our clients purchasing a 500 unit property. When the property was added to our client’s portfolio there was an excess A/R balance totaling over 100k in unpaid monthly rental fees. After Flynn Law Group initiated eviction cases, we were successful in obtaining a reduction in the outstanding debt down to roughly 30k. We also reconstructed a large condominium association that for over 30 years had been unable to obtain a loan, but with our assistance the condominium was able to obtain a multi million dollar loan and made all of the needed roofing & structural repairs.

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2018? My forecast for the commercial market in 2018 will be an increase in interest rates along with an increase in rent due to the highly developing market currently. My prediction is that the market will start to become less favorable over the next 2 years. 



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