Professional Profile: Danielle Davis 2018

Name: Danielle Davis
Title: Project Architect
Company: Pirie Associates Architects
Location: 33 Whitney Ave., Suite 2A, New Haven, CT
Birthplace: Dallas, TX
Education: B. of Environmental Design, Texas A&M University; M. Arch, Yale University School of Architecture
Place of birth: Dallas, TX
What does your firm do and any plans for the future? My firm works with mission-driven institutions and companies to create spaces that reflect and promote their goals. We plan to build on the client relationships we have, grow our practice, and help more people live and work in buildings that embody their aspirations.
Keys to success: Time management and strong client relationships
Did you have a mentor if so who & why? My grandfather, an architect in Dallas for decades, was immensely proud and encouraging of my pursuit of architecture. His impact on the community there has always inspired me.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In ten years I see myself still practicing architecture, ideally as an associate of the firm.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? I would probably be a psychologist. As an architect, I am fascinated by the way spaces affect people’s lives consciously and unconsciously, and psychology ties into that deeply.
Favorite novel: “Gaudy Night” by Dorothy Sayers
Favorite film: “Singing in the Rain”
Hobbies: Reading, Watercolor