Professional Profile: Eric Brosler 1998

Eric Brosler - 1998

Name: Eric Brosler - 1998

Title: Senior broker

Company: Investment Property Specialist Inc.

Location: 855 Worcester Rd., Framingham, Mass.

Birthplace: Boston, 1962

Eric Brosler 1998 Family: Wife, Denise; 2 children High school/college activities: Ice hockey, water skiing, rugby First job outside of real estate: Scuba shop First job in real estate or allied field: TranWest Real Estate What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Brokerage and development Hobbies, likes: Scuba diving, deep sea fishing Extracurricular time: Family Last movie: “The English Patient” Person you most emulate (outside of family): Jacques Cousteau Key to success: Integrity If you were forced to choose another vocation, what would it be? Deep sea fishing captain