Professional Profile: George Yerrall 1993

George Yerrall - 1993

Name: George Yerrall - 1993

Title: President

Company: Stearns & Yerrall

Location: Longmeadow, MA

Birthplace: Springfield, MA

School activities: Amherst College, Columbia Business School. First job in real estate: 1st Winthrop What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Plan to be the dominant residential company in western Mass. Hobbies: Huge sports fan Extracurricular time: Playing sports, reading about sports Last book: Arthur Ashe’s autobiography Last movie: "Joyluck Club" Person you most emulate: Arthur Halleran of 1st Winthrop Key to success: Focus If you were to choose another vocation, what would it be? Anything that would provide help or conform to those in pain.