Professional Profile: Keith Davignon 1998

Keith Davignon - 1998

Name: Keith Davignon - 1998

Title: Principal

Company: Vision III Architects, Inc.

Location: 400 Smith St., Providence, RI 02908

Birthplace: Pawtucket, R.I., 1956

Birthplace and year: Pawtucket, R.I., 1956 Family: Wife, Lynn, two daughters, LeAnn (7 years), Casey (5 years) High School/College Activities: High school – hockey; walked the Appalachian Trail while in college First job outside of real estate: Co-owned painting business while in college First job in real estate or allied field: Architectural designer for Ferland Corp. (1979-80) What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? As a founder and principal of Vision III Architects, plan to continue to grow the firm into regional prominence. Hobbies, likes: In-line speed skating Extracurricular time: U.S. history buff, family activities, cookouts, etc. Last or favorite book: “Lucid Dreaming” Last or Favorite movie: “Get Shorty” Key to success: Setting goals and remaining persistent in their pursuit If you were not successful in the business you are now in and were forced to choose another vocation, whether you are qualified or not, what would it be? Artist