Professional Profile: Lori Printz 2007

Lori Printz - 2007

Name: Lori Printz - 2007

Title: Director of Marketing & Research

Company: Saugatuck Commercial Real Estate, LLC

Location: 728 Post Rd., Ste. 200, Westport, Conn.

Birthplace: Long Island, N.Y. - 1954

Family: Lots! Daughter, son, sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, golden retriever & more! College: Dowling College First job outside of real estate: Marketing for Citibank, New York City First job in real estate or allied field: This one! What do you now and what are you planning for the future? Marketing and real estate analysis - live and learn. Hobbies: Travel, photography, water sports Favorite book: “A Bend in the Road” by Eamon McEnearney Favorite movie: “Out of Africa” Keys to success: Work hard, play hard If you had to choose another vocation would it be? Marine biologist