Professional Profile: Paul Iacono 1996

Paul Iacono - 1996

Name: Paul Iacono - 1996

Title: President

Company: Majestic Property Company

Location: Providence, RI

Birthplace: Providence, 1946

Family: Wife, Paula; daughters Lauren, 18 and Julie, 15 College: Providence College First job outside of real estate: Accountant, Old Stone Bank First job in real estate or allied field: Controller, Realty Income Trust What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Commercial real estate broker and auctioneer. Expand my auctioneering business Hobbies: Sports, especially golf and basketball Extracurricular time: Play golf, spend time with my family Last or favorite movie: “Pelican Brief” by John Grisham Key to success: Attention to detail If you were not successful in the business you are now in and were forced to choose another vocation, whether you are qualified or not, what would it be? College basketball coach