The EBC Conn. Chapter will hold a seminar "Contaminated Soils Management During Urban Site Redevelopment" on Sept. 7 from 7:30am to 12 noon. The seminar will be held at Northeast Utilities office, 107 Selden St. Over the past several years management of contaminated soil, sediment and aggregate has become an increasing issue due to urban site redevelopment construction projects for municipal, utility, commercial, and industrial projects. Management of these materials drives up the cost of construction and impacts project schedules because of the additional handling, on-site reuse, and logistics of off-site disposal of material in landfills or recycling into construction materials. This EBC Conn. Chapter program will focus on issues of preconstruction assessment, soil management, pertinent regulations, types of waste materials, on-site reuse and deed restrictions, and off-site disposal and recycling of materials. This program will feature the Conn. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, including the Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division and the Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance.
Program chairs: John Figurelli, team leader, Weston & Sampson; and Bob Deptula, senior environmental specialist, Northeast Utilities.
Speakers include: Alan Colwell, Burns & McDonnell; Jeffery Duigou, LEP, senior project manager, Weston & Sampson; Diane Duva, assistant director, bureau of materials management and compliance assurance, CTDEEP; Donald Gonyea, environmental analyst, bureau of materials management and compliance assurance, CTDEEP; Jeff James, president, True Blue Environmental Services; Andrew Lord, partner, Murtha Cullina, LLP; and Mark Smith, transmission lead project manager, Northeast Utilities
For more information contact Ann Gisinger, operations and events coordinator, at
09-07-2012 - EBC Conn. Chapter to hold Contaminated Soils Management During Urban Site Development seminar
August 23, 2012 - Green Buildings