Dennis Serpone, New
England Restaurant Brokers
Respondent’s Name: Dennis Serpone
Company: The National Restaurant Exchange and New England Restaurant Brokers
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2015? In addition to closing a record number of restaurant deals, we gave birth to three new divisions: The Hotel Exchange, Business Brokers of New England, and Shopping Centers For Sale.
What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2015? In the short time that The Hotel Exchange has been operating as a separate division, we represent the owners of over $12 million of hotel sites and motels.
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2016? With interest rates so low, with oil below $40 per barrel, with unemployment low by all standards, and with the stock market reaching record highs almost every week, the future appears to generally bright. Historically, the federal government in power manipulates the markets to show the economy in a positive light. The caveat to this is the global financial, political, and military turmoil as it affects our economy. God bless America.