2017 Annual Review: Evan Eisenhardt of Linear Retail

December 29, 2017 - Front Section

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2017? In a portfolio of 86+ properties, where we are over 96% occupied portfolio wide…bringing an additional 8 properties to 100% occupied.

What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2017? My most notable deal, may be my smallest deal…but most enjoyable.  Leasing a space to a start up apparel retailer, Whitea Annie, in the Newbury St. market.  It is amazing to see independent retailers take the risks they do in the retail environment we are in. Fully bootstrapped, Annie brought her concept to life within months of lease execution, and her store is thriving.  

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2018? We are seeing a period of disruption and evolution of the retail real estate world.  In 2018 I don’t see a decline in retail activity, I believe we will see more activity, but from retailers who are embracing the change by incorporating technology, social media and analytics; to better serve the consumer experience and in turn keeping brick and motor alive and well.



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