Years in real estate: 20+
What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of: Real Estate Bar Association (REBA), American Bar Association, real property, trust & estate law section
How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career: Look at the big picture! Figure out what is essential to my client’s success and what is essential to the other players, then negotiate so everyone gets some of what is important to them. It’s surprising how often the obstacles are not what they first seemed to be.
How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career: I have worked for real estate brokers, as a paralegal in a firm focusing on real estate, and as an attorney, so I have a broad perspective on the challenges facing all of the parties involved in any given transaction. It allows me to figure ways to resolve problems that someone who has just done one side of the work might not think of.
What trends are you seeing so far this year: A warming of zoning to mixed-use developments; higher prices with a concomitant fear of a redux of 2008 and concerns about lack of affordable housing.
What do you do for fun: I enjoy gardening, both perennials and vegetables. I suppose I really am a “dirt lawyer”!