Harpool Commercial Realty, LLC
Years in real estate: 20+
What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of: CCIM, CCIM Institute, ICSC, CT CREW, NAR, CTR, and VAR
How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career: Always look for what the owner, developer, retailer or broker needs when an obstacle occurs such as a general giving written permission to build a road on the National Guard’s property behind a shopping center. Always sincerely seek a win-win solution. Never give up on any deal or anyone! It takes a community to overcome and grow.
How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career: The greatest advantage to my career is the years of training and opportunities received from developer/owner Ralph Varnum, CCIM, and James Harpool, plus my long-standing clients Richard Russell, director of real estate for Dillons (wholly-owned subsidiary of Kroger); Todd Johnson, BK Corporate; Paul Hoover, largest Taco Bell franchisee owner in MO/KS; Steve Black, director of R.E. for Family Dollar; Bruce Jackson, real estate director for St. Luke’s Hospital; and Gail Worth Wilson, Harley-Davidson dealer.
What trends are you seeing so far this year: I specialize in shopping centers and have worked with and represented for years national and regional retailers. I think the trend for many centers will be smaller footprints, creative tenant mix and repurposing older centers.
What do you do for fun: Backpack in Colorado and New England, ski, scuba dive, run, sail, camp with my husband/friends and travel here and abroad whenever possible. Have traveled to help in times of need such as Haiti twice after devastation.