Member - Commercial Broker
Fairway Real Estate, LLC
Years in real estate: 31
What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of: N.H. CIBOR and InTown Concord Economic Development Committee
How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career: After practicing commercial real estate for 31 years, I have learned to always be attentive to detail, always increase my knowledge and responsive to customers and clients. No matter how small a buyer or prospective tenant is, the referral and/or growth of these clients over the years always produces new business. And last, but not lease, working with other “fellow” commercial brokers, is always helpful in navigating obstacles and achieving success.
How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career: My strengths that work to my advantage in my career are knowledge and experience of commercial real estate, property management, my involvement in professional and community organizations and activities, my in-depth familiarity and awareness of the ever-changing commercial real estate market and economy and my energy and desire to always be creative and reliable.
What trends are you seeing so far this year: So far this year, I see the commercial market as strong, although retail continues to be more challenging due to the internet competition. Commercial real estate is not as strong as residential real estate in New Hampshire however. Commercial investment properties are in great desire and very difficult to come by. Overall, with interest rates still fairly low and competitive, the market is very good.
What do you do for fun: Socializing with friends, playing golf, the outdoors and enjoy our seasonal summer home on Bear Island on Lake Winnipesaukee.