2018 Women in Construction: Molly Pidgeon, Pidgeon & Co.

March 30, 2018 - Spotlights

Name: Molly Pidgeon

Postion: President

Company: Pidgeon & Co.

Years in the A/E/C Industry: 10

Why the A/E/C Industry? The A/E/C industry has endless avenues for career growth and longevity. It’s an exciting and challenging industry and New England, Boston in particular, is a great host of so many different areas of real estate needs. Coming from an education at Wentworth Institute of Technology, so many of my peers from interiors have branched out in careers that have range from architecture, furniture, development to construction and facilities. There are so many opportunities to find a niche or a specific industry that you are passionate about. The synergies between the A/E/C community support so many interchangeable roles it’s a great career path. 



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