Name: Jeanne MacLellan
Title: Principal
Company Name: Dowling Houy LLC
Years in real estate: 24
Real estate associations or organizations you’re a member of: IFMA
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why? Lori Coletti gave me my start in corporate real estate. She was a guiding force for over ten years. I could always go to her with a problem and she would help me work towards a solution. She was great about pushing me when needed and always supported me. I miss her greatly.
What are some of the benefits of being a mentor or having a mentor? Being a mentor helps me to keep in touch with the younger crowd in the commercial real estate world. It is great to offer advice, wisdom and my opinion to another, but I get back so much more. Often their questions or issues will help me challenge how I look at a situation and get me to think outside the box. I feel that I get back as much if not more from it.
What honor, achievement or recognition means the most to you and why? Three years ago I became the sole owner of Dowling Houy. I never set out to own a consulting business and I never thought I’d have employees. It has been challenging, terrifying and rewarding. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the last few years. I am honored and proud of the team we have built and so proud of all that we have accomplished. Recently we were officially recognized as a Woman Owned Business.
What recent project or transaction are you most proud of? Two years ago DH oversaw the relocation of Ariad Pharmaceuticals. We were given four months to finalize the lab equipment placement and departmental seating program and organize the move. Additionally we aided in bringing a brand new facility on line There were numerous specialized equipment vendors along with riggers, chemical and general movers that all needed to be scheduled. All of this was done right before the holiday break. We managed to complete the move and post move on time and within budget. This was one of the fastest and hardest lab relocations I have ever worked on.