2019 Women Who Build: Enkelejda Klosi, Eversource Energy

February 15, 2019 - Connecticut

Name: Enkelejda Klosi

Position: Facility Planner/Technical Assistant E. Mass.

Company: Eversource Energy

How many years have you been in your current field? 15 in architecture and two in facilities planning and real estate.

What are you doing differently in 2019 that has had a positive impact on your career? Getting introduced and trained for Emergency Response Prepareness (ERP) assignments, I believe that it will positively impact not just my career, but also as a person overall in all aspects of life. Putting different hats when its needed, it does prepare you to see things in a broader scale.

What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? The language barrier and not having enough network connections/mentoring guidance. Almost everyone in my class at NU had either their parents in the same/similar profession or friends or other connections from their parents to give them directions or references.



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