Name: Jacquelyn Doak
Position: Senior Content Designer
Company: Microdesk
How many years have you been in your current field? 4.5
What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? My biggest fear starting out in this industry was that I wasn’t knowledgeable enough and didn’t have enough background experience. I started with Microdesk fresh out of college and had zero experience beyond my course work. I quickly learned that it wasn’t about what I had already known, but rather, my ability to continue learning and teaching myself new things.
Which project, deal or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? I learn something new throughout every project; whether it’s a new software, a new modeling technique, product specific knowledge, or even the various ways different people conduct their business. The knowledge I have gained has not only helped me advance in my career but has also allowed me to build my confidence and given me the ability to consider myself an expert in my field; although I know in this industry there will always be more to learn.
What are you doing differently in 2019 that has had a positive impact on your career? I’ve created two goal lists; one for my professional development and one for my personal development, acknowledging the fact that they run hand in hand. In order for me to accomplish the professional goals I’ve set for myself and my team in 2019 I need to also tackle my personal goals; which include stepping out of my comfort zone and experiencing new things.
What was your first job and what did you learn from it? My very first job was as a cashier at a grocery store. It is the job that really taught me that hard work DOES pay off. While it may take some time for your efforts to be recognized, there is someone higher up who is noticing the extra effort, and in my case led to my advancement in the company. It also taught me that as a manager or leader in a company it is important to let those hard workers know their efforts are seen and appreciated. Giving someone positive feedback goes a long way.