ALL Media
Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game-changer” in the advancement of your career? As an advertising agency for small to mid size companies, taking on a Commercial Construction company was a game changer. Many of these companies in the commercial real estate or construction industries do not know how much a difference marketing and moving into the next phase of media could be a game changer for them. A refreshed website, Linked In management, press releases, social media updates are all a big part of the next generation of business.
How do you contribute to your community or your profession? We are always looking for ways to help our clients work together and volunteer and help people find jobs. For example, a beauty client, Hask Beauty donated 1,000 shampoos and conditioners to Caldwell & Walsh Construction Company to deliver to their client Yale New Haven Health for the healthcare workers who had to stay in hotels or dorms away from their families while fighting Covid-19.
What led you to your current profession? I’ve always been in advertising and marketing from the start of my career. When I started my own business 6 years ago, I knew I could make a difference to help small to mid size companies compete on a higher level than they ever dreamed. My experience across all forms of media for my career has helped to navigate through the white space and stand out to their customers which essentially brings in new business for them. It’s a win win.
Who or what inspires you? I am constantly inspired and educate myself and watch successful entrepreneurs and business owners alike. Everyone has a different strategy and I take a little bit from each and work it into my day to day. I watch Master Classes on Advertising genius’ like Jeff Goodby & Rich Silverstein and Anna Wintour from Vogue on leadership. I read the Wall Street Journal every day especially the business section. I read Forbes, INC and Entrepreneur regularly as well. My business also affords me to meet with lots of CEO’s who have built successful companies so I am always learning and growing. I thrive on it.
If your life were made into a movie, what actor would you want to portray you? Reese Witherspoon. Not because I look like her at all, but she is constantly believing in professional growth and that women can do anything. She shines a light on the movie industry that women can be producers and books written by women should be movies starring women. I learned that only 13% of Construction Firms are owned by women, but when women are in executive level positions, construction companies have a 21% likelihood of out-performing their competitors. Fascinating.
What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Show up, be present and work hard. Love what you do and it will never feel like work.
How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally? After I got my first job out of college, it was through my summer job that I worked at each summer during college. My career blossomed from there and I learned that in my business it was who you know and the relationships you build. If you are good to people and work hard and help people when they ask for help with nothing in return, it will always come back in some way to reward you. I’ve always been very easy to work with and have a positive outlook and my job is to make other people’s jobs easier. I like being an extension of their team and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. People remember and appreciate that.