2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Josye Utick, JCJ Architecture

February 21, 2020 - Connecticut

Josye Utick, AIA, Project Designer at JCJ Architecture

How many years have you been in your current field? 15 years 

What was your favorite job and what did you learn from it? The beauty of the architecture profession is that each project brings new, specific and creative opportunities to address clients’ needs and to learn from each step. I don’t necessarily favor one specific role as much as I enjoy the various permutations in the design process for each project. Sometimes, the joy comes from investigating a new design concept for a signature building or gaining insight on the client’s aspirations for the project; other times, the joy comes from interfacing with new people, getting new insight from his/her design experience, or problem-solving with contractors on site. The best part, however, is witnessing your client become as excited as you are when the building is under construction. That excitement and feedback is the best.

What are you planning to do differently in 2020 to have a positive impact on your career? In the five years I’ve been living in Hartford, I’ve been engaged in many community and professional programs, a great way to stay connected locally while working on projects nationally. Serving on the city’s Historic Preservation Commission, contributing to the Riverfront Recapture board, chairing the development committee of a neighborhood revitalization organization, or mentoring students have been privileged opportunities to help my community, to learn from so many energetic, engaged souls, and to represent my firm locally. One thing I strive for 2020 will be to narrow my focus on two ‘extracurricular’ organizations so I can delve more deeply in assisting their goals. I will continue my involvement with Riverfront Recapture and broaden my impact on the city by serving on Hartford Planning and Zoning Commission. With both these organizations I think I can bring together my past experiences and contribute my sensibilities as an architect.

I’d also like connect to more people in and out of the office on a professional but non-project basis. Meeting with people becomes an energizing and inspiring way to be gain perspective in the industry.

Lastly, I have ambitions to travel more and read more!




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