How have you adapted and changed in the last 12 months? As this last year has unfolded and the challenges have presented themselves, there have been both positive and negative outcomes in adapting to its trials. The isolation of this past year has forced me to revisit my approach in building relationships with project stakeholders, as well as hitting benchmarks to ensure a project’s success. Virtual meetings have assisted in time management but can lack the personal connection which assists in the team’s collaboration. Finding a balance between the two has been a lesson well learned to take into the future.
Why should women consider a career in the A/E/C industry? In this world, there are no professions that should be primarily male or female. After decades in this industry, it has been enlightening to watch the success of women as they navigate into what has been primarily a man’s world. A certain level of detail and multi-tasking is essential to be successful and has proven to be skill sets most women naturally excel at. The satisfaction of navigating the necessary multi-faceted process to a successful outcome of a project is both rewarding and challenging. With no two days alike, it proves to be an exciting and rewarding career choice.
Starting out in the A/E/C business, who or what empowered you? Early on in my career, I was fortunate to have mentors who never placed a ceiling of how successful I could be because I am a woman. Starting in a supportive role allowed me time to absorb the different elements of this industry and choose the path most suited for me. To this day, I am very aware of the positive impression the words of encouragement and patience taken by those who empowered me have had on the success of my career. It has had a direct impact on my approach in training professionals as they enter this business world today.