2021 Year in Review: John Famiglietti, Broker, Commercial Connection LLC

December 31, 2021 - Spotlights
John Famiglietti
Commercial Connection LLC

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? Focus on future; this season and the pandemic will pass; real estate needs may change some; but buyers and sellers are still very active. Building relationships and trust; along with working hard are more important in a time when we don’t always get to meet with clients.

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022? I believe that we will continue to see an increase in the construction of large warehouse buildings; and the pricing on existing Industrial buildings will rise, because of the demand in this sector.

I expect multifamily and self-storage properties to see higher prices, as more investors look to hedge against inflation.

I expect retail development and leasing to be flat, with the exception of dollar stores, which will continue at the fast pace we have seen over the last several years.



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