Within your firm, who has helped you succeed within the industry? How have they helped you? I’m grateful that everyone in Dimeo has been supportive and encouraging of my success.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? You are tougher than you think. Construction is not always the most welcoming industry and it’s easy to want to shrink yourself to fit in, but you don’t have to. There is a place for you here, there is a community rooting for you here and you will do great things in this industry.
Starting out in the construction business, who or what empowered you? I really wanted to enter this industry and make strides for the young girls who will follow behind me, as the previous generation of women in construction have done for me. If I can stand up for myself and set a new standard, then hopefully the next woman in my position won’t have to.
When you’re not busy, what is your go to book or podcast to help you unwind? Jenny Lawson’s Let’s Pretend This Never Happened is one of my favorite books. It’s obnoxiously funny and has made me laugh out loud on several occasions.