Starting out in the construction business, who or what empowered you? My high school architecture teacher always encouraged girls to consider a career as an architect. Starting my freshman year I learned hand sketching, how things are put together, and how architecture helps you understand the world around you. In college, the faculty was wonderful. They pushed me to sit in the front of the room and to be just as competitive as my male classmates. My first job out of college was with Margulies Perruzzi (MP). I started as an intern and after less than a month, they offered me a full-time job. MP is a very supportive community.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? Step outside of your comfort zone. How? By believing in yourself and having confidence in what you are doing. I make sure I am knowledgeable about a topic and have the research to back it up so I can bring something thoughtful to the discussion. Learn how to take feedback. No one is perfect at everything and we can all learn new things. Share your ideas and your process. It’s a collaborative industry and no one stands alone. The best work is going to come from a team and we all bring a different perspective to the design process.