Starting out in the construction business, who or what empowered you? It is so important to find good mentors early on. Look for people who not only inspire you but who are also eager to share their wisdom and help you grow as a professional. Ask a lot of questions - not only how to do something, but why. Don’t be afraid to challenge a process; a good mentor will be happy to debate with you and at the end, maybe both of you will have a new understanding. I still utilize the proactive and supportive management style from my first mentor and pass it along to my mentees.
Within your firm, who has helped you succeed within the industry? How have they helped you? As the saying goes, “It takes a village!” Having a great team is essential in a project’s success. I can go to my fellow managers for advice when faced with a unique problem or go to an administrator to help me when a demanding client is looking for some information. My director encouraged me to leave my comfort zone and expand my skills and expertise. Knowing there are people who have my back enables me to meet today’s challenges and drive my future accomplishments.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? My best advice is to get out there and try it! Go for an internship or even shadow at a few places. There are many facets to construction – you may find you flourish in field work or excel on the administrative side. Go out and build a network. The construction world may seem big, but you’ll be surprised at how many people you’ll want to reach out to again, and how many people will reach back to you!
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? The beauty of my job is I get to see so many different types of projects each year, so this one is a hard choice! Recently, I have taken the opportunity to oversee the construction of a chain of convenience stores and gas stations across New England and I am very excited to see how things develop.
When you’re not busy, what is your go to book or podcast to help you unwind? When I want to detach from the world, I gravitate toward fictional series set in different time periods or other worlds. Currently, I am reading The Riyria Chronicles by Michael J. Sullivan. If I feel like I want to be more grounded in reality, I enjoy podcasts on travel and things like how to refinish old furniture.