Director of Marketing & Operations
Sweeney Real Estate & Appraisal
Are you part of any CRE organizations? How have they helped your professional development?
I am an active member of the Rhode Island Commercial & Appraisal Board of Realtors (RICABOR) due to be installed as president of the organization in November. The RICABOR has not only helped build my relationships with others in the industry but they also host an Expert Forum Series that has been really impactful in my professional development. Previous topics have included updates around laws & regulations, market overviews presented by RI Commerce & interactive discussions with appraisal professionals.
What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry?
It is a multi-faceted position. It is hard to be an expert in every single element. It is important to find the folks that will be there to support you. Finding a mentor, or multiple, I believe is critical to be successful.