Production Manager
New England Real Estate Journal
In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
The last year has been a busy year here at the New England Real Estate Journal. One of my proudest accomplishments would have to be coordinating and creating these special Women spotlights – Women in Construction and Women in Commercial Real Estate. There is a lot of time and effort put in by myself and the whole team at NEREJ and they are some of our most read issues each year. I am also rather proud to have been promoted to the production manager here at the Journal.
Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why?
It’s been said many times already, but I agree – Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Her legacy and the work she did for human rights will never be forgotten. She fought for the people until her very last day. I also have to give a shout out to the number one women in my life, my mum. She is my best friend, mentor and one of the strongest women I know. She taught me to be strong and stand up for myself in all aspects of life. I owe her (and my dad) for my dedicated work ethic. If I can be even half the woman she is, I will have succeeded in life.