Marketing Manager
J. Calnan & Associates
In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? JC&A was recently ranked #1 for employee volunteer hours at the BBJ’s Top Corporate Philanthropy event, and I am extremely proud of that achievement! JC&A has been on the list of Top Corporate Philanthropists for 16 years in a row, which is an incredible distinction. I am honored to lead our internal philanthropic committee, JCAres, and it’s been super rewarding to see so many teammates roll up their sleeves for groups like Heading Home, Special Olympics of MA, Ronald McDonald House, and Animal Rescue League. JC&A is built on teamwork, community, and gratitude, fundamentals we really exemplify with this achievement.
Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why? Women supporting women is a battle cry you hear so much these days, and I am incredibly grateful to have some amazing women in my life that inspire me daily to be my very best and keep stiving for more. My mom, Joanie, who is the toughest person I know; my mentor at JC&A, Maureen Rystrom, who encourages me to tune out negativity, be true to myself, and keep asking “What’s next and how can we do it even better?”; Andi Ryan, who teaches me patience, Andrea Simpson, whose amazing ideas set the bar for me throughout my career, and so many more!