Project Designer
J. Garland Enterprises LLC
In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of graduating with my master of architecture this last year! I have been working hard towards my professional degree for seven years (undergrad and graduate), so this was a significant milestone for me. While the degree was incredibly daunting at times - juggling long nights in the studio, with time for other architectural coursework - I was so lucky to have great friends and peers alongside me on the journey!
Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why? I was so lucky to grow up with many strong women in my life. So, when I began endeavoring into the world of architecture, I really found inspiration in female leaders like Maya Lin, Yvonne Farrell, and Shelley McNamara. I also fell in love with women of the Bauhaus like Ani Albers and Gunta Stöltz (fiber artists), and designers like Ray Eames. More importantly, I have had the pleasure to build strong relationships and friendships with both practice and thought leaders. My professors Michelle Laboy and Amanda Lawrence are leaders in their fields. They are so encouraging to young women who are beginning to navigate their way in architecture and have continuously shown me that achieving my goals is possible.