Project Engineer
Gale Associates, Inc.
What made you interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry? I have always been interested in math, science, and architecture. I grew up in Brazil and attended a high school that had the option of taking technical courses in the afternoon. I enrolled in an 18-month “buildings” course. It was my favorite class; I loved how hands-on it was! This course included concrete and masonry construction, architecture, and even electrical and plumbing design. Once it came time to apply for college; it was an easy decision. I knew engineering was the career for me.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? Although the AEC industry is still comprised mostly of men, I would tell women that would like to start a career in this field not to be deterred. When I started college, the female to male ratio was one out of every four but it increased with every new freshman class. I am noticing more women engineers and managers during my daily project interactions. I am proud to say that I work for a company where the president is a woman and there are more women than men engineers in my department! I think women tend to be more detailed-oriented and that is certainly a valuable asset when working on project coordination!