2023 Women in Construction: Brittany Danikas, Weston & Sampson

March 31, 2023 - Spotlights
Brittany Danikas
Project Manager
Weston & Sampson


What made you interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry? I became interested in the AEC industry because I felt I needed a change and felt that my background in legal, ethics, and compliance could translate to the AEC industry. Beginning as an administrative assistant, I used my skills and combined them with the new information I was being taught. I felt proud knowing I was one of the few women in the industry. If you put in the work, you can succeed, and every year for the last six years, I’ve reached my next career goal, allowing me to gain perspective and respect within the industry.

What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? My advice to other women is to be confident. Know that whatever your current background is, professionally or personally, there will be some aspects that will translate well and be beneficial to being part of this industry. Be open to learning and applying all your skills and showing your peers you were the right person for the job. Take pride in what interested you in the construction field in the first place and you will earn the respect of both men and women and be a role model for the next woman who wants to join.



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