Director of Resilience Planning & Design
Nitsch Engineering
How are you involved in community organizations and/or charities?
I enjoy my involvement in several organizations across the AEC industry, including the watershed management committee for NEWEA (New England Water Environment Association), the water resources committee for EBC (Environmental Business Council), and the advocacy committee for the North and South River Watershed Association, my local watershed group. I’m also passionate about student outreach with United Way (BoSTEM) and Nitsch’s Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry?
I have two pieces of advice: Build strong mentoring relationships early in your career and challenge yourself to be comfortable with being uncomfortable – if you’re a little uncomfortable that means you’re moving forward and taking your career to new places.
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?
Over the past year, I’m proud to have moved into a role leading our Resilience Planning & Design team. This multi-disciplinary team is focused on delivering adaptable and multi-beneficial solutions for more sustainable and resilient communities. The team’s diverse expertise – including planners, engineers, landscape architects, and more – allows us to collaboratively develop holistic solutions in anticipation of climate change and other stressors that will impact our environment.