Director of Operations - Architecture
Dacon Corporation
What made you interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry? Growing up I always loved art and wanted to find a way to make a career out of it but knew it needed to be practical. With a family that owned an HVAC/plumbing business, and a father that built the two houses we lived in with his own two hands, I naturally gravitated towards architecture. My senior year in high school I took a class that allowed us to draft a house in a new computer aided drafting program called AutoCAD. I loved it, and my destiny was written.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? As great as it is to be recognized for being a woman in construction, the reason I have thrived and become successful is because I never saw myself as a “Woman in Construction.” Advice to other woman is, to be the best at your job, do not ever see yourself as a minority or different, and fight for what you want, just as you would any other industry or job. The other key to success in this industry is to “know what you don’t know,” check your ego at the door, ask questions and do not be afraid to admit you need help. It is the only way to grow and gain respect.
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? In the past year, I have written eight articles for High Profile Magazine, been interviewed three times for Bloomberg, and took part in a documentary all to share my knowledge of the industry and design build. After 22 years of practicing design build, I am proud of the knowledge I have gained and to be able to share and educate others.