Vice President of Sustainability
Structure Tone (STO Building Group)
How are you involved in community organizations and/or charities? I feel strongly about sustainability, and that giving back to my community is essential. In 2007 I partnered with others to create Built Environment Plus, the local green building non-profit, and I’m currently board chair. Throughout my career I have been in continuous service to the green building community at every level, working to help our industry drive greater adoption of sustainable, healthy buildings. I am also a volunteer member of CoreNet New England’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee, acting as a liaison to the Builders of Color Coalition. Our committee works to raise awareness, provide education, and deliver programs that promote belonging in our community and within our chapter.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? Being in construction is a people business. You are in service to your clients, design partners, and the trades partners that you work with every day. Take the opportunities that are given, but also ask for more responsibility if you think you can stretch your capacity. Continuously learn from every project. It’s important to find mentors along the way – people who will teach you how to hone and improve skills in particular areas. But most of all the one thing we take seriously in this business is having FUN while getting the job done.