Design Engineer
Helical Drilling
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? This past year, I started grad school pursuing a master of science in civil engineering with a focus in geotechnical engineering and will be graduating in December of this year. I never thought I’d be able to balance my career, family obligations, and graduate school, but I’m over halfway through the program and thriving. You can do anything you set your mind to.
What made you interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry? Growing up, my dad worked in construction. He’s been one of my biggest supporters since day 1, and we always joked that, someday, he was going to work for me at a company called Desmarais and Dad.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? My advice is to believe in yourself. Once you realize what you are capable of, you can and will accomplish amazing things. Stay positive, confident, and true to yourself, and you will move mountains.
How are you involved in community organizations and/or charities? Outside of the construction industry, I am a volunteer EMT and Firefighter and have been for nearly 20 years.