2023 Women in Construction: Marianna Coombs, Weston & Sampson

March 31, 2023 - Spotlights
Marianna Coombs
Operations Manager
Weston & Sampson


What made you interested in seeking a career in the AEC industry? I’ve always been interested in math and science, and I knew as a kid that whatever career path I chose would include those subjects. I got my undergraduate degree in biochemistry and worked in the biotech/pharmaceutical field, but quickly learned that it was not my forever job. Looking to do something more hands-on, I got into a graduate program for environmental science. That program got me into a drinking water and wastewater testing laboratory, a place where I met amazing people that introduced me to this incredible industry. The work is intriguing, challenging, and fun.

What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? It’s a competitive environment, so you have to be confident in your abilities, intelligence, and strength (both mental and physical strength). You need to be willing to push outside of your comfort zone and take the initiative to learn new skills. Once you are comfortable with yourself and the team you work with, that competitive atmosphere goes away and is replaced with collaboration, support, and success.



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