2023 Women in Construction: Michelle Callahan, Nitsch Engineering

March 31, 2023 - Spotlights
Michelle Callahan, PE
Project Manager
Nitsch Engineering 

How are you involved in community organizations and/or charities? I’m involved with CREW Boston (Commercial Real Estate Women): I co-chair the diversity, equity, and inclusion committee, and I’m also actively involved with the membership committee and the development project management committee. I really enjoy being a part of such a great organization – it’s nice to meet so many wonderful women in different fields within the industry. It’s helped me see all different sides of the field, not just the engineering side that I’m most familiar with.

What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? First, I’d tell women entering the construction industry to believe in themselves! It can be intimidating working in a male-dominated field, but we offer such great value to the industry. Second, everybody is always learning and growing – it’s what makes this field so exciting. Find mentors to support you and guide you, and your confidence will grow. Finally, I’d say that if you’re considering entering the AEC industry to go for it – it’s very cool to be a part of creating the built environment!



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