Director – Office of Community & Economic Development
Town of Bridgewater, MA
What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2023? In June of this year, we launched “Vision to Reality – Revitalizing the Heart of Bridgewater.” V2R is a holistic comprehensive revitalization strategy building upon the town’s 2022 comprehensive master plan. Innovative zoning changes which include the adoption of a form-based code with an expedited approval process will ensure that Bridgewater is in compliance with the MBTA Communities legislation and model for comprehensive economic revitalization.
How has your career path changed in 2023? In January of this year (2023) I began my current position after seven years in a similar position in Warren, R.I. Accepting my current position is a homecoming of sorts, I attended Bridgewater State College as an undergraduate. I am excited to build upon the successes I had in R.I. and being part of the amazing transformative change we have initiated in Bridgewater.
What emerging trends will drive investment and development in 2024? While communities are working to be in compliance with the requirements of the MBTA Communities legislation by December 2024, it will be interesting to see which communities thrive as a result. Many communities have concerns about meeting the housing production numbers required in the legislation, and not having available infrastructure capacity. Significant state and federal investment will be required to address infrastructure deficiencies.