2024 Ones to Watch - Rising Stars: Blake McLaughlin, Newmark

June 28, 2024 - Spotlights
Blake McLaughlin 
Managing Director 


“Blake McLaughlin is a Managing Director on Newmark’s Medical-Academic Practice Group in Boston, where she focuses on transacting within the Longwood Medical Area, Fenway, Mass General Hospital, Tufts and the adjacent Medical-Academic clusters. Driven by an innate passion for her work, team and the client relationships she’s fostered, McLaughlin has closed a combined +/- 17.5 million-s/f across her tenant/landlord clients. Outside of work, she serves on the Young Leader’s Board at The Base in Roxbury,MA and Captains a team each year for Boston’s Children’s Corporate Cup–leading her team to victory in 2023.” - Luis Alvarado, Chief Revenue Officer & East Region Market Leader at Newmark.

In the last 12 months what accomplishment are you most proud of? Our team structured a 268,000 s/f condominium purchase on behalf of Boston Children’s Hospital in Boston’s Fenway submarket. The condo sits within a 600,000 s/f speculative laboratory building owned by Alexandria Real Estate. The deal was a win-win for both tenant and landlord. ARE was able to kick off the leasing with a high-credit, world-renowned hospital tenant. Children’s was able to make a long term commitment to doing research in Fenway within ARE’s purpose-built, world-class facility. 

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? Frank Nelson is my partner and mentor. He is one of the most selfless, smart, and hardworking brokers I know. He has made our team at Newmark laser focused on 100% medical-academic clients. Saving our non-profit clients capital on their real estate transactions is a great way to contribute to success within Boston’s most important intuitions. Rob Griffin, the leader of our group, is the ultimate champion of a “team first mentality.” Rob has created a tightly-knit team that has created tremendous value for our clients.




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